Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Some reasonable, some not...

Pet Peeves

-- pronouncing the "l" in "salmon"
-- walking with overly splayed feet (unless you are obese)
-- intentional lisps
-- lazy speech and speakers
-- "kewl"
-- too many accessories (especially in the case of garnishing each wrist and ear, ankles, neck, waist, brooches, etc.)
-- double boob
-- exposed thong or string
-- trying to be the first discoverer of culture, rather than an adventurer
-- "ain't"
-- overuse of the verbs "get" or "do"
-- life-altering obsession over almost anything (stamps, tv shows, shoelaces, hilary duff, etc.)
-- racial slurs
-- salting food pre-taste
-- dog-earing book pages
-- losing the end of tape rolls
-- erasing chalk/marker boards with hands
-- pants above the waistline or below the midline of the buttcheek
-- underuse of adverbs when appropriate
-- overuse of spacefillers ('kay, um, so, but, like, yeah, right)
-- inappropriate semi-colon usage
-- leaving on lights and appliances when not at home
-- liquid in the garbage bag, which then leaks into the can
-- thinking you are better when you are not

Hm. . . that seems like a lot. Now, here is something to enrich your life:

Therefore, there is no such thing as a "four-dot ellipsis." A period followed by an ellipsis may look like four dots, but they are two separate entities.

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