Sunday, January 15, 2006

what's my school trauma?

i just realized that i've been having a recurring dream where i am still in school (unsure of whether it is college or high school, but it is located in the upper school), and i have no idea what my schedule is. somehow, i still manage to make it to some classes, even though i never make it to school early enough to park in the lot, and always end up parking down on lloyd rd. then i rush to the building and usually have to sneak into assembly in the auditorium. i end up going to classes here and there, and i go to the first math class, but it ends up being so unbearably butt-hard that i end up cutting it (kinda by accident) for the rest of the semester. the end of the semester comes, and i have FAILED math (duh, i never went nor did work)! then i either wake up or have a different dream.

here's the weird thing:
i really loved math in high school, and pretty much was always on time and did my work. especially when we were working on parametric equations, and our homework involved etch-a-sketch. sigh, i don't have a picture of my school-renowned etch-a-sketch sumo wrestler.

ok but let's dig a little deeper and figure out what was really wack about my school years....
i just realized how inappropriate mr. kenny was with several of us in 5th grade. this came to me as i was sitting in mr. harris' 3rd grade class (where i work), and little taylor asked me for my aim name.

"are we going to talk about homework?" -- me
"maybe. or we can talk about sudoku." -- tay
"let's do sudoku now, instead." -- me, as i whip out my sudoku book so that we can avoid further discussion of my aim name.
at least my name isn't something like "pimp1234," the name of a middle schooler whom i busted in the computer lab. really, pimp? like, hello 6th grade pimp.

anyway, back to bkenny.
we used to talk on the phone, about more than homework.
i used to write in my journal to him about my "real life" fifth grade drama, we talked about who was crushing on whom, what i thought about my parents, blah blah blah. weird. i think i'll go google him now.

i posted this a little late.

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