Thursday, January 19, 2006


mike has chapped lips.

these chapped lips like to munch on things like cheetos, pretzles, and oreos.
when these chapped lips munch and crunch on these snacks, they save a little treat for later.
they become ENCRUSTED with the crumbs of whatever snack he ate.
wednesday was oreos, and his upper lip was literally half black after lunch. thank goodness he had to go to an appointment, because all i could look at was that half-of-a-lip and the oreo layer that had attached itself to it. every lick of his tongue to the cookie edge made me shudder.

also, i noticed that he eats the salt that falls off his pretzles onto the desk by sticking them to his finger and sucking. sucking with that same mouth that vaporized the oreos.


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