Monday, January 02, 2006

week end

on heavy rotation:
feel the pain dino jr
rock you like a hurricane scorps
neighborhood #3 arcade fire
stay gold, ponyboy get up kids

currently occupying my time:
watching the cat chase dust near the fridge
looking for the cheapest best humidifier/heater online
pondering the pros/cons of being a part time ssa at morton or full time at nfcs
reading all of my friends' blogs
finding ways to delay work (duh)

i have revived my old journal, diary, if you will. that means either: i am happy, i am sad, or i am confused (or i am hormonal, but im not supposed to admit that sort of thing).

ho bag's husbands or whatever came to visit for new year's and we hit up all-we-could-eat sushi on sunday, eating all we could. then we binged on scrubs season 2.

i guess after that, i freaked out and wrote that last post, and went to bed with jon cryer lip sync-ing to try a little tenderness, a pretty in pink scene that forever melts my stupid secretly mushy heart (don't tell, bitch). i woke up with kitty sleeping stretched out from my ankles to above my knees, and then proceeded to ignore my first 2 alarms cause he is so snuggly. anyway, cant delay work anymore. its raining, so i should get a move on.


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