Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dear 95N Billboard Makers,

You try very hard to grab my attention.
I can tell, because the BudLight girl is nearly naked.
Also, the new red billboard that says, "[something very tiny that I cannot read] DIRTY BALLS" is quite intriguing.

Thank you for entertaining me on my way to work every morning between exits 23 and 30.
Perhaps you entertain me a bit too much.

Dr. Pistone is very confusing to me. The picture clearly demonstrates how he previously had fly-away combover hair, and now has a lush head of silver-gray. Should I pronounce his name as, "PIE-stone" or "piston"? I prefer the stone of pies. But I definitely spend too much time every single morning thinking about that.

Anyway, thanks. Looking forward to what you bring over the summer.


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