Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cindy it was always you...

Watching less-than-mediocre sitcoms on the WB led me to reminisce about that feeling you can only get from that person.

Memorable to me:
Running by the tennis courts into the bushes, and he got all scratched up by the branches.
The 8th Grade Dinner Dance: I can still feel the shoulders of your too-big-suit-jacket, I can still smell Safari on your neck.
I remember his hugs because they always felt like he cared, though we weren't that close, and now he's gone.
He was so nervous to meet my parents! He changed his shirt in the car.
I felt like no matter how badly things seemed to everyone else, it was still better be with him, and he felt the same way.
He was my best friend. He taught me how to know if a guy respected me (and then showed me what it's like when he doesn't).

When was the last time I had that feeling?
I'm not sure. I might have thought that it was in November, but now I think that it's been a couple years.
I don't remember the last time my heart was racing, my lips were dry, my throat was closed, my stomach was in knots. It may be a while.

Cindy, it was always you
It was you I wanted, too
Now you leave me haunted
-- Steve Wynn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it's been a while since you've had the feeling, but it will come again. Don't lose hope...