Saturday, May 13, 2006

I have creepy travel dreams

Last night I was dreaming that I was at a friend's party in Colorado or something, where my dad had dropped me off, and all of the lights were off in the house. Well, my friend had turned off the lights in the areas where we would be. Her mom had the light on in the kitchen, where she was playing with her kitten in the trash can.

I followed my friend in the dark to the room where a bunch of people were hanging out. It was a nondescript room with a large bed on one side, and a couch facing it on the other. I was in high school, and the other people there were in high school as well, but were not necessarily people with whom I went to high school.

I was sitting on the bed with some friends who were too close for comfort (boys). They told me that I had huge monkey feet. This did not turn me on. I put the sheet over my head. One boy started kissing my sheeted head. This also did not turn me on, so I told him to stop because this was grossing me out.

When I took off the sheet, it turned out to be one of my x-mans. That made me super grossed out in my subconscious that was not leading me in the dream, and in the dream I was grossed out because apparantly I thought that he was too young for me (though everyone was in high school and I didn't know how old anyone was), and I said, loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Ew, I would never let you kiss me, I am like thirty and you are like ten."
Neither of us were those ages, but that's all I could come up with I guess. I left the room and went outside, where suddenly it was afternoon and not nighttime.

The house was in a neighborhood on a hill, where the architectural style was Ancient Rome. As I walked up the hill along the cobblestone path, I ran into two ogre neighbors and their very dirty black labs. I said hello politely and moved on up the path towards the gated entrance to the state park. People were renting canoes, tents, snow shoes, and bikes. This park seemed really cool, but the gates were closing in like exactly 2 minutes so I had to leave, or I would have to spend the night in the park.

Leaving the park, I ran into my mom in a car. She was there to pick me up. Her hair was gray. We drove downtown to a large intersection, where she had to let me out to do something shady, and I was supposed to wait for her. I did wait, then I saw her across the street, sitting at the bus stop, wearing sunglasses. In case you don't know, my mom is not shady and does not have gray hair or wear sunglasses. Anyway, we met up across the street and she gave me a box of cereal that I was supposed to eat, because that is all she could get since we were in Spain and she doesn't really know Spanish.

Then Kitty woke me up and it was 5:45 am.

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