Monday, February 20, 2006

"jack" and little lil

once upon a time, little lil had a friend named "jack." "jack" was very smart, and very kind. he was not, however, physically attractive to little lil. she was not a small girl, and was not attracted to small boys. she liked boys who could huff, and puff, and blow a house down. so, "jack" and lil were just very good friends.

one time, when "jack" wasn't feeling well, lil went to visit him to cheer him up. the next day, "jack" said to lil,
"you did not do a good job of cheering me up."
lil was a bit disappointed, but she thought that maybe he was cranky from being on so many different drugs.

"jack's" birthday was coming up. "jack" was going to have a party with his family. he invited lil. then, the next day, he said,
"i think it would be better if you do not come to my family party, and instead i will see you the next day."
lil was a bit disappointed, but she thought that maybe his birthday party was something he only wanted to share with family, and lil was not in his family.

for "jack's" birthday, lil decided to do something very special and draw "jack" a picture of her most favorite place to sit -- the rose garden down the street. when she gave it to him, he said,
"oh. i hate rose gardens, and i do not like looking at pictures of them."
this upset lil so much, that she said in return,
"you are very smart, but you are not very kind. i am tired of you telling me how badly i am as your friend. let's not be friends any more."

and they never were friends again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is a sad story. I cried a bit.