Wednesday, December 28, 2005

im in kindergarten

my friend uses her myspace account to find her long lost kindergarten friends or something.
that is kinda weird, but i want to copy her, but i dont really remember my kindergarten friends.
i guess i remember nursery school kiddies, like cassie mcclutchy and tishna rollo. i remember of course nora and amanda and i know there were boys there, and one of them always used to eat his boogers.
in kindergarten i remember in the christmas show at school, parts were assigned by height, assuming that the boys were taller than the girls and the boys were soldiers and the girls were sugar plum fairies and milkmaids and stuff. since i was like the 2nd tallest kiddie in the grade, i not only had to be a soldier, but also i had to stand next to brian gleeson.
anyway, merry xmas.

Friday, December 23, 2005

i am a self centered bitch, and i like it

id like to call this ode to yours truly, "all about me"

im loud and im crazy

i sit and im lazy

i scream and then i cry
sometimes i want to die

i say secrets out loud
cant miss me in a crowd

i never want to wait
i love and also hate

dont try to stick a pin in me!
i think thus far in life there is only one thing i've done that i really regret, but at the same time, i cant imagine how i could have made any other choice and still have been me. im sure no one could possibly know what that was.
as for what i say, i think the only thing i maybe regret saying (and here, only a little, because i didnt find it so offensive) was in 8th grade when i told stone that he looked like leonardo dicaprio in
whats eating gilbert grape, and i still stand by that. so never mind, i dont regret it. maybe i wish i hadnt sung the "doug the bug" song so much, or so loudly. but hey, thats karma, cause i had my share of nicknames in fourth grade too.
so chill out and back off, i am who i am, and i like me.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

martha o martha

today i was so focused on feeling shitty and being bitchy i missed martha!
yesterday was quite entertaining; she made bloody marys with equal parts tomato juice and polish vodka, and then told a story about how she and her mother went to poland and drank so much delicious vodka every night.

poem for the day:

you are a liar,
you lying liar.
and i know.
you smell.

i detest you
like i detest
the dead roaches
in my hallway.

the font choice for today is poo brown.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

stalkie walkie

i am so creeped out by stalkery technology.
so is india.

but they arent shielding themselves from scary past, just private present.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

soooo need my cat back

mr. kittyface is in vacay in north jerz with the fam, so i am left here in the illadelph with the ability to do many things that i could not do with my mister here.

exhibit a:

merry christmas DHB and john.

happy death day!

ryry found it odd that chubby chenski (who will hereforth be known as "dirty ho bag" or "DHB") and i had already started to plan her funeral party. well anyway, here are a few selections that will be on rotation:

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will ferrell, "dust in the wind"
saves the day, "at your funeral"
lionel ritchie, "three times a lady" (though the garden state version would be preferable)
lil' bow wow, "take ya home"
blur, "girls and boys"
the shins, "caring is creepy"
papas fritas, "i believe in fate"
the doors, "the end"

i will be singing the first three, upon leeann's request.
do you have more to add?

bad girl

ive been a bad blogger, i apologize to all of my screaming fans.
the past couple of weeks have been busy with warding off the roaches down the hall with my red can of raid, vaccuuming up kitty litter, being sickie with no one to care for me, and being strangely obsessed with online window shopping and this song.

last night i had a dream that mr. craig got mad at me for answering my phone during guitar, although we werent playing guitar, but rather making a collage of construction paper and peppermint balls and crayons on my lawn (in nj). the kids were weirded out that we had a spat, and ms. smith just stepped in and kept them on task of finishing the collage.

im a weirdo, but i am such a good one.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

insomnia mania

you may have perused my link on the right to disgruntled housewife, which i totally love though it isnt updated often, and have been reading for (gasp!) 6 years off and on (probably longer, not long after the days of sassy).

well, in my sleepless meanderings, i came across neato baby stuff for as soon as people who are cool that i know have some babies. what baby doesnt need some wooden bowling monkeys?

mullets galore. nuff said.

i want a planet rock dang cute or bow belt, please.

something for mister?

this makes me want to throw up... some crack rocks that i didnt swallow when the cops busted in.

i dunno. whatever. argh, its light out now.
better than home shopping network or jesustv, right?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


i am still procrastinating (sorta, i did just type up some stuff and email it to my boss), and i came across this pic that makes jen's boob look like a big cone.

speaking of boobs...
how could you not look at all of the pictures. also, please make sure to read all of sky's captions, as they are so very.

this one is my personal fave of scarlett's boobage.


i like this word in an icky way.
i think should make a cartoon just for me.

i have a weird thing with doodie. poopy. poop.

Monday, December 05, 2005

pizza ice cream

i decided that this is reason enough to return to italy (or madrid, or several other euro locales).
who wouldnt love to eat pizza in a cone?
and please, check out the second event listed here, the one that took place in genoa in october.

also, please note: the vegetarian variety includes a topping called, "grilled marrow," which i believe to be some sort of translation mishap, as few would consider actual marrow as a vegetable.

i am in love with italy.
we are having a not-so-secret affair.
~que escandalo~

Monday, November 28, 2005

you're so dirty

i didnt believe in bed bugs until i decided it was ok to take my friends old mattress and recycle it as my own. i dont think my friend was dirty, but i think his living room was, and that is where his mattress was parked until i could pick it up.
then it began.
i am a closet lysol-aholic (or generic-brand-disinfectant-spray-aholic).
when no one is around, usually in the middle of the night, i spray the doorknobs on my front door and bathroom (both sides, of course), the garbage can (inside and any part i touch), and every lightswitch panel. handles and near the stove i wipe down with wipes or cleaner, because spraying stuff near flames is scary.
anyway, of course i sprayed my old/new mattress numerous times, and used a mattress cover, which i also sprayed, but after 2 cycles of washing sheets and spraying both sides of the mattress, i decided it was time to just buy a new, clean mattress.
follow suit, new york! buy new furniture!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

bah! foiled again.

boo hoo.
i think i was one of the few left on kazaa anyway. i think its cause i like to say it. ah well, perhaps ill become a limewire junkie. winmx. or a bittorrent gal. what is your fave? convince me yours is the best, please.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

take the light with you... on your ipod

ummm... i like to tell the truth all the time. im like a compulsive truth-teller.
it gets me into trouble sometimes.
anyway, here it goes....

i have been neopets-free for over almost 3 weeks. it doesnt sound like much, but it is a huge difference when previously 3-6 hours of your day were consumed with
i have now found a new way to re-obsess about my soap, gl (guiding light).
first, let me preface by saying that i ever started watching this because my middle school classmate, rachel weary, is the daughter of loveable marriage-challenged reva shayne cooper spaulding lewis lewis cooper blah blah (kim zimmer). now, 10 years later, i still have a yen to know whats going on in my good ole' cbs soap, but my sad, pathetic, kitty-eaten rabbit ears dont give me a good cbs (or abc).

SO cbs has given me the gift of classic radio soaps with their podcasts! every show is available on the internet in mp3 format! by the way, the big brother talk show is also available online, and i had no idea they were still doing that thing -- they are in season SIX now. cannot believe it still exists.

is it wednesday yet?

check out the nov 20 article.
see? macs are dumbo.
my personal fave....

on another note:
I CANT WAIT TILL WEDNESDAY! then i will be off until monday. and on monday, i start esl. booooo.
im excited but i have no idea what to expect, except that i will be tired because i will be coming from work and wont get home till 9.

happy tday. i made a turkey. painting. in kindergarten (2 weeks ago).

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

media frenzy

hooray! we still control the internet!
go u.s.

on another note, i am planning on going to 2 movies in the near future:
harry potter and the goblet of fire (with chenski as my date)
walk the line (with mr. death, my real life "man in black")

i seriously dont remember the last movie i saw in a theater. it may have been by myself in montclair on one of my secret lonely dates to fartsy movies that kit doesnt like. or it may have been, like, a shark's tale. dunno.

Monday, November 14, 2005


here, john reminds me of the devil. the devil reminds me of death. i feel like death. i dunno why. i did NOTHING before work this morning, and i feel like death.

Friday, November 11, 2005

hello, my name is phizzle

thanks for the name, heather. oh, im sorry, hot tall blonde. she thought it said phizzle. it says PHILLY. anyway, thats me. thats so me. sustaining simple was rockin tonight. then i came home and tried to park for 25 minutes. but i do have that thing about staying within a 3 block radius (used to be 2 blocks).

Thursday, November 10, 2005

this sucks the big one

what fucking genious pulled this one off?

finally not hungover!

here's a recount of the shit show not last night, no, but the night before.

rx for din with meh and heather. totally normal. except mehreen got a fishhead.
hair straightening with debbie. not normal, but totally sober still.
mcglincheys with deb + others (anggono and coworkers, meh, heather, chenski, nikki, wanger, dq to start).
the drinking begins.
cap'n gingers.
socolime shots.
hi chamira, rodrigo, amer, shor.
we travel up to tops for more jukebox and pool.
more drinks ensue, then back down to mcfilth for ms. pacman and then ciders, ONLY.
free games from candice! thanks!
and...we closed it!
on to p+p.
more cider.
lets go home.
its 4am, goodnight.

ok, now yesterday: blehhhh i am so dead, but i can go to work, no i cant, yes i can, no i cant. i can drink water, no i cant, yes i can, no i cant. i can sit on the internet and write emails, no i cant, yes i can, no i cant. i can lie on the couch ALL DAY and watch "beautiful girls" 3 times. i can eat 5 crackers. i can watch l&o with meh and heather. goodnight, i'm totally old.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

it was all a dream...

i can't believe i forgot to tell you!
while at a taste of penn, "Dr. C.A." as we will call him here, not only approached me for a dance while the dj was spinning "juicy" by biggie, but also confessed his year-long crush, on
i love rev bev.
i told him, i think she's in a committed relationship.
let's also rewind:
Dr. C.A. also had attended the ALA Anniversary event, where we enjoyed champagne and mojitos. He then followed us to the next open bar event, which was a Taste of Penn. He is like 50 and works at HUP.

Monday, November 07, 2005

johawkins: photographer

me and stevie after our three-drinks-maximum at taste of penn (but after mojitos and champagne at the ala reception).

post campus regathering at my apt to feed and pet mister mister. nikki has dark hair now.

lickiness at mcglinchey's. but don't worry, ryry doesn't eat meat.

the ugly one?

well, i am so and so, but who are you? i wanna know.

cold turkey!

ryry mentioned how i often blog about random things that don't make sense to him unless i explain it, and that is because i am random, and often don't make sense unless i explain myself.

anyway, i have recently given up a game-playing addiction cold turkey. i know leeanniepoo is proud, although she may be sad.

also, it's better for my adult reputation if i no longer am addicted to... that game.

the inquirer just called and told me i would receive what i had believed to be a free trial, but as they asked for my credit card, i realized that they actually had tried to sell me something. silly newspaper people, i do not pay for a paper like the inquirer. anyway, people in my apartment building steal it all the time.

Friday, November 04, 2005

pom pom smoke toke fire

new favorite character on homestar runner.

also, happy birthday jade.
am currently searching for appropriate celebratory song/pictures.

ah yes! i have found one...

this may be the only picture of someone equally drunk as jade at a birthday party, yet FOUR TIMES AS RED!

i'll bet you didn't know it was possible.

that evening, she was working as a shot waitress at kazan/leeann's party in lovely, run-down 3941.


our track neighbors at 3939 did not suffer the air purifier fire of poor wiring, but of fuzzy high passed-outtedness smokizzle!

again, we may hate.

painting turkeys

yesterday in ms. baker's class we painted turkeys for the wall. as we were sitting in those teenytiny plastic chairs that make my knees rise above the table, i realized, i could actually teach kindergarten.
is it ok if i only teach kindergarten and adults? i think so.

when i left morton yesterday, i kinda wished i had painted my own turkey to decorate my door. i'll make one next week. i could have made one this morning, but last night i fell asleep during er and woke up during the second leno. i didn'g get back to sleep till 430 and then, of course, mister wakes up at 630 every morning (though this morning he woke at 645, probably cause he knew i was tired), so i fed him turkey slivers or something, and went back to sleep till 9ish.

i just went running and have a new favorite running cd (yes, that's right, a CD, because i have not converted to the ipod revolution):
purple rain (prince).

i don't care where we go
i don't care what we do
i don't care pretty baby
just take me with you

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


i have a magical folder on my desktop that REAPPEARS after i have deleted it/trashed it/renamed it whatever. and it always reappears with the same name:
"music to be renamed"
and i HATE it.
i want it to go away. i have all of my music in another folder. it is empty! my anal-retentiveness wants it to stop cluttering my desktop with its non-functionality.


please, someone, tell me how to rid of my phoenix folder!

oh this is so intense

and could make you want to cry. wouldnt it be weird if we didnt have these concerns about getting into school?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

not my babies

i miss charles and zion. but i do not miss wearing red sweatshirts every day. Posted by Picasa

it's all your fault...

i had a dream last night that i told leeann that i dont want to sleep over and she started laughing at me. we were in a restaurant with all these people we know from college and from my old work at morton elem., including the police officer, officer gene, who was on a date, but consoled me like a father anyway.
i think i threw a soda at her or something. also, we were in the middle of doing our laundry (at the restaurant), and i threw it all in a bag even though it wasnt dry yet, and leeann is laughing this whole time like the mean girls in mean girls.
i was so upset that i didnt get to finish my dinner! and you know me!
on my way storming out of the restaurant, which happened to be an all-u-can-eat buffet (go figure), i passed a dessert tray that had just come out of double shot glasses of strawberries in champagne, and i said (mid-tears), "ooh... ummy..." and downed one.
then i was suddenly in glen ridge, where it was raining, and about to get into the car with nora and kit so we could go to willowbrook to pick up kits car, but kit forgot something in my house so she ran out to get it but we, bitches apparantly, started to go anyway. we drove around the block near maggies house and then started coming back. kit was running so fast she passed us, and skid back to the car sopping wet. at the mall, we went into the piggly-wiggly department store (it wasnt a grocery store, it was like marshalls), and commented on how it was just like marshalls. we looked at the candy department (which actually isnt in marshalls), and bought the lemon tartlettes.

THEN, i woke up at SIX TEN for NO REASON. and since i woke up, i woke up mister, and then he wouldnt stop meowing until i fed him 2 shots. bleh.

thats it for now.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

who dat?

today i was telling big ugly baby and ant about my blog and all the things i hate and they asked if i write about jam. i couldnt really remember if i had written about jam, and i dont think i have, which is weird, because it is wack.
but i do love it.

pretty much everything i hate i also love just a little, except mr. namese (i have to employ my epithets now i think, so if you dont get it you should probably ask my NLLP (non-lesbian life partner = leeann) or me. big ugly baby (who wants to be called "nice guy") is trying to think of a nickname for me, but i think i have a lot of names already. lets use ms. fran.

at jam we have the ant, mr. namese, mr. death, sassy barry (that ones easy), big ugly baby (sorry, thats just how it is), and G-L-O-R-I-A. im sure there are more. i pretty much love all of them (except mr. namese).

irish pub: new guy, tall guy, short guy, alfalfa, crackhead, and guy who double carded ME.

roommate has some just for her too: personal trainer man, lawyer man, loie bartender, and asshole.

anyway, so i hate jam, but i love it. i hate the sometimes no tip, like tonight, even though it was bam's brother's wedding at greystone. but i like eating wedding cake and drinking lots of juice. i hate taxes too.

i remember studying epithets in 7th grade when we read the odyssey, like "stalwart ulysses" and "wise athena"or whatever. then again in latin in the pro caelio: "that harlot" and "that promiscuous woman."


chubby chenski

oh i almost forgot nllp's nicknames:
pilot ken and radioshack guy. but she really has more, like guy from graces tavern, old tailor from pub, morimoto guy/matt handsome, tall girlfriend, and she is actually mocha coca and chubby chenski.

i also have:
bigfatcreepymarriedteacherguy, my crazy friend, bus driver, boyfriend/mister, twinkie.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

starts with c

hey starts with c
we would have either been friends had we known eachother at the same age, or i would have despised you for being so like me.
thats ok.
we are kindred.
hate and love, love and hate.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

my teeth look whiter when i'm tan

and when im tan im happy.

i was reading someones blog that i found through that random blog search thingie and they said all this profound stuff, like how happiness is love and lost innocence sucks and blah blah blah and then i found out she was like 14.

i love sun, sun makes me happy.
she knows her stuff.

Monday, October 17, 2005

you better shape up

you better understand
to my heart i must be true

you know, though the final message of grease may be damaging to impressionable young girls and boys (the girl sluts her self up to get back with the cool guy), i do love it like an old friend. i dream fondly of riding in danny's sin wagon, visiting that malt shop in the sky, wrapping up my cotton candy hair and hiding my hickies from kenickie.

tell me about it...stud.

i wish i hadn't taken that nap.

flakes and cupcakes

i guess leeann could really end up being my non-lesbian life partner. i'm not adverse to that possibility, but i wonder if i'll stop hating boys soon. cause i hate them. and i hate flakes and people who don't talk and don't have feelings.

i met a woman in my intervew group this morning who said she had been conned into a speed dating event at a restaurant in olde city one night while she was out with a friend (woman). she said she was so repulsed with the male selections that she started telling them she was a lesbian with her friend, and that she was there for the free drinks.

we aren't the only ones who hide from those who wish to approach, but also desire to be approached (just not by anyone who would actually do it).

i stopped by DrewTs the other night, expecting to meet his cat. ive never hung out with him outside of his ride. i gave him some cupcakes and went home.


the wedding had cupcakes instead of cake. it didn't work on "martha stewart: the apprentice," but it was deliciously portable at the RC.

ryry, i don't know how to make more than 10 pieces of cheesecake.

Friday, October 07, 2005

things are dumb

i'm filling in at work and i don't know what to do so i'm looking at my blog. and erica's and ryan's.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

ab fab

i have to say that i find it ab fab that i can sit here in the computer lab with 20 kids and write on my blog because they don't fight and they can read and use computers and it doesn't smell like pee and there are doors on the bathrooms and there's a rubber bottomed playground.
that is not wack.
i love new foundations charter school.

on another note (to ryan and sarah) --
all i could spell was stop pots post tops and opts ?

Saturday, October 01, 2005


john thought this picture would be fun because we would be the meat in the kris/chris sandwich. but kris had to mess it up and be kris with a k. or chris messed it up. whatever, they are still phoenetically the same white bread.

i may continue to periodically add pics of the reunion as i see fit.

also, ego requests that i further discuss my drunkenness that night. heres one for you:
shots at tierney's are cheap, and thus i bought a round of 10 (of which i had 2) jager shots for i dont remember whom. last night at mcglinchey's i saw a few people doing jager and it reminded me of that memorable night. if only it too had been punctuated by quarter games of ms. pac man. mcglinchey's truly is a good place to get faced and play ms. pac man.

Friday, September 30, 2005

i'm dead, bye

this is my favorite pic of me and leeann. we are tan and fancy but plain. its also from a year and a half ago. damn gina. when we die:
"r.i.p. leeann c***: she was fancy, but also plain"
"r.i.p. fran***** dlt: she was fancy, but also plain as well"
thats assuming that leeann dies first. actually, mine should read:
"r.i.p. l*** fran***** d******* dlt s**: her name was so long she was lazy, but not unintelligent, much like a sloth"

or something like that.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

5 years already

i forgot to tell you
john and i went to my 5th year mka reunion
welcome to the shit show

this is my last shot
i have no idea what i said to mark besides, "let's do a shot!"
who the hell would have known mark centola would be there

that was after kit, chris v, john and i arrived promptly at 8:10pm and met up with sammy lee in the parking lot because NO ONE else was there yet

we were determined to have our $15 worth of open beer/wine bar (which RAN OUT of yuengling in the first minute we were there)

we did

i hate you

i hate you because you never care as much as i do
because you go to bed too early
because you wont let me grieve
because youre selfish
because you use
because you forget things
because you throw me away
because i cry
because i eat too much
because i stay up too late
because i want to talk
because i have a cat
because i want to sit
because i give you things
and you take them

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

what do i hate today...

someone is stealing my free week subscription to the new york post.

leeann and i went to pathmark and the sign next to the mangoes said, "MANGO"S", which is neither mangoes or Mango's. i hated it so much, i scribbled out the " with a pen. see, THIS IS WHY FOREIGNERS THINK AMERICANS ARE STUPID. we (collective we, really not including me and the readers of I.W.W.W.W.) can't even retain elementary school lessons.

don't cut in line.
don't push.
if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
work, play, whatever.

blah blah blah i hate you.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday, September 02, 2005

cold stone suckery

i almost forgot to tell you about how SUCKY cold stone creamery in west orange, NJ is.


scoopergirl "amanda" was on the phone for 5 minutes in the front of the store before going to the back to get one of the 2 girls on break to come serve us.

then i went to the one in upper montclair and it rocked and they sang "i love waffle cones" to the tune of joan jett's "i love rock 'n' roll."

i got coffee ice cream with brownie.

speaking of ice cream, kit and i were watching unwrapped the other day and there was an ice cream company that makes any flavor you want, including turkey and gravy. yum...?

ok i was eager to show off mr. so i took a pic of him on my cameraphone and i didn't bother to clean up the floor where he was sleeping. just before i took the pic i said, "smile mr.!" and he looked up.
i love him.

sometimes he lays out all twisted so you can pet his tummy and his back at the same time. i'll try to get a pic of that too.

mr. kitty

ooh i forgot to tell you that i got a kitty, well eric and i found him in the street.
his name is mister kitty face cat de la torre (Mr. KFC de la Torre, or just "de la Torre, Mr. Kitty" on his vet file folder).
anyway, i just wanted to say that i picked him up today while he was sleeping and turned him over to cradle him like a baby (which he kinda likes), and i saw his MANLINESS sticking out of his pee area.



leeann, eric and i had the worst experience at the olive garden on broad and chestnut.

first, eric and i were late meeting leeann because of traffic from move in, yadda yadda yadda. i can't tell leeann's story (what happened while she was waiting for us), but i certainly can tell you what happened from when we arrived to leeann and the outdoor table.

as we sat down, leeann was receiving her second bowl of neverending pasta. i sat on the lower end of the sloped table, making me seem like a 5 year old at the kiddie table at thanksgiving dinner. then we waited ten hours until the waiter returned to take our orders of neverending pasta and salad and breadsticks. i called him back for utensils, but he just ran away. by the way, his name is nicholas c. he returned with salad and cheese, and then went for a walk or something, because he was nowhere to be seen. leeann is a truck, you know, and she ate that bowl of pasta just as quickly as we ate the salad. then we sat and watched the potted tree fall on the man sitting at the table next to us (twice), and watched the man 2 tables over from us be served by TWO waitresses.

finally, we asked one of the waitresses if she could find out waiter, the dark haired guy with glasses (we didn't know his name at that point). some other dark haired guy with glasses then came by asking us if we could further describe our waiter, and then he showed up.

i think i made him cry because i had told the waitress that we wanted another waiter because nick was unattentive, and when nick got back he was all red-eyed. either he was high or he was crying. dunno.
anyway, we did a couple of rounds of pasta. leeann did 5, which the waiter made sure to note. he also was super-attentive and apologetic for the rest of our meal. leeann gave him a nice tip even though he sucked, and in order to straighten the bill, she needed him to break her $20, so he gave her 2 $5s and 1 $10, and then ran off will the check without collecting the $20.

leeann, honest as she is, went inside to find him and give him his money. when she found him, he told her he had closed out the bill and thanked her profusely for the $20, because he thought it was his TIP.

so anyways, i'm never going to olive garden again, even though i really really like their chicken marsala and their fettucine with steak gorgonzola or whatever.

Friday, June 10, 2005

hello... is anybody out there?

i'll be back to philly tomorrow night.
work sunday morning.
nj monday.
one day, haircut.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

you know what?

i tell people what to do all the time, and i know that i only have part of the story. do other people know that they only have part of my story?

well, people, you only have a whiff.

but breathe deeper and burn your nostrils. you be burning me all the time!
but anyway.
confession: i have an addiction.
i am addicted
problem: i have an addiction.
i am addicted
did you know that i have another life that you are not a part of?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hot hot hot

its hot in tulsa.
its been like 80s-90s all week and hot.
but you know what i realized?
its not humid here so its not so icky.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

ok sorry but not

excuse me,
are there some powwows taking place in my absence?

as the world's fakest busybody, i think i deserve to know everything that is being said about me.

so tell me, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?
cause if you want to talk about it behind my BACK
then don't, because i will find out, and then i will secretly hate you behind YOURS.

so. does anyone read my blog?

don't you try to pretend...

it's my feeling we'll win in the end

ok i am still in tulsa. will be back soon.
still figuring out living situation and job etc.
eric will be coming back soon but not soon enough.
we had planned on living on osage, but

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

i couldn't eat all i could eat

i sorry! i couldn't eat all i could eat. i had to pay for one roll. i feel like a loser. i really like eel. i didn't really like the albacore.
i don't like no internet. but i do like that we didn't pay for the whole year and then we only had to pay for one month cause the old person's credit card expired or something. yay.
but no internet.
anyway, i am not moving to ok now, eric is coming here. double yay!
now we have to find a place and i have to get a job.

Monday, April 25, 2005

and for the $100,000 pyramid...

omg it took me so long to really get my ass to the library and write all this stuff that i wanted to write
so anyways, i think that a lot of things in the world are shady.
for example:

... internet at my house isnt really working and the internet people said there is a problem in our house. how do they know? so wtf are they going to do about it?

... that no one uses floppy disks anymore.
... that we ran out of trash bags (that was like last week but i didnt get to write it till today and now we have more).
... that it got cold again.
... that my draw-on bandaids dont really take the marker.

i think a lot of things are ...

...things that are wack!

Homeo & Juliet: fag: lust in translation

Homeo & Juliet: fag: lust in translation

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

oklahoma is the place for me...

of course i wrote a whole entry then when i tried to publish it my server froze, so all that i could remember was the title.

here's the gist of what i said:
  • i'm moving to oklahoma with eric
  • i'm going to ou to get my master's in education
  • i write in stream-of-consciousness
  • i don't like to use caps when i type
  • going to norman (where ou is) will be like going away to college all over again, if college for me had been in oklahoma
that's basically what i said. now i'm too tired to really rewrite it, so that's it for now. i'm in jerz visiting ma and pa, now i'm going back to philly and i just realized that i'll miss scrubs if i do.
boo hoo. i really love scrubs.