Sunday, October 30, 2005

who dat?

today i was telling big ugly baby and ant about my blog and all the things i hate and they asked if i write about jam. i couldnt really remember if i had written about jam, and i dont think i have, which is weird, because it is wack.
but i do love it.

pretty much everything i hate i also love just a little, except mr. namese (i have to employ my epithets now i think, so if you dont get it you should probably ask my NLLP (non-lesbian life partner = leeann) or me. big ugly baby (who wants to be called "nice guy") is trying to think of a nickname for me, but i think i have a lot of names already. lets use ms. fran.

at jam we have the ant, mr. namese, mr. death, sassy barry (that ones easy), big ugly baby (sorry, thats just how it is), and G-L-O-R-I-A. im sure there are more. i pretty much love all of them (except mr. namese).

irish pub: new guy, tall guy, short guy, alfalfa, crackhead, and guy who double carded ME.

roommate has some just for her too: personal trainer man, lawyer man, loie bartender, and asshole.

anyway, so i hate jam, but i love it. i hate the sometimes no tip, like tonight, even though it was bam's brother's wedding at greystone. but i like eating wedding cake and drinking lots of juice. i hate taxes too.

i remember studying epithets in 7th grade when we read the odyssey, like "stalwart ulysses" and "wise athena"or whatever. then again in latin in the pro caelio: "that harlot" and "that promiscuous woman."


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