Tuesday, November 01, 2005

it's all your fault...

i had a dream last night that i told leeann that i dont want to sleep over and she started laughing at me. we were in a restaurant with all these people we know from college and from my old work at morton elem., including the police officer, officer gene, who was on a date, but consoled me like a father anyway.
i think i threw a soda at her or something. also, we were in the middle of doing our laundry (at the restaurant), and i threw it all in a bag even though it wasnt dry yet, and leeann is laughing this whole time like the mean girls in mean girls.
i was so upset that i didnt get to finish my dinner! and you know me!
on my way storming out of the restaurant, which happened to be an all-u-can-eat buffet (go figure), i passed a dessert tray that had just come out of double shot glasses of strawberries in champagne, and i said (mid-tears), "ooh... ummy..." and downed one.
then i was suddenly in glen ridge, where it was raining, and about to get into the car with nora and kit so we could go to willowbrook to pick up kits car, but kit forgot something in my house so she ran out to get it but we, bitches apparantly, started to go anyway. we drove around the block near maggies house and then started coming back. kit was running so fast she passed us, and skid back to the car sopping wet. at the mall, we went into the piggly-wiggly department store (it wasnt a grocery store, it was like marshalls), and commented on how it was just like marshalls. we looked at the candy department (which actually isnt in marshalls), and bought the lemon tartlettes.

THEN, i woke up at SIX TEN for NO REASON. and since i woke up, i woke up mister, and then he wouldnt stop meowing until i fed him 2 shots. bleh.

thats it for now.


erica said...

hey fran. not sure if you're catching the sarcasm that my blog seems to be swimming in. i did it on purpose. i was going to link back to cite the other post but i was too lazy. you're right. i should be validating every word.

ps. i don't think i've ever said hugsies. ever. and you know it.

FrannyD said...

im going to hugsies you when i see you.
and ew you so say it. like in your sleep.