Tuesday, September 05, 2006


yesterday sandy rivers saw a homeless woman sleeping on the porch couch. she slept there till 10. i was asleep in my bed until 2. i went out tonight to good dog, because mcglinchys was closed for labor day. nick was there, he has the flu. we watched south park with the subtitles on. i met kevin for beers and we watched jay kill at pool. when i got home,
the homeless lady
was sleeping
on the couch
i woke her up and made her leave. she almost scoffed at me, as if this weren't really my house.
pissed off, i took all of the pillows off of the couch and febreezed them in the living room. i love the fucking porch couch, but now i have to sell the fucker. this sucks.
now i'm watching jose gonzales on leno. love.
sometimes when i'm at a concert, i imagine that i'm watching stefan playing again. things were fucked up when he left, but i always remember him fondly.
admiral byrd.

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