Wednesday, December 28, 2005

im in kindergarten

my friend uses her myspace account to find her long lost kindergarten friends or something.
that is kinda weird, but i want to copy her, but i dont really remember my kindergarten friends.
i guess i remember nursery school kiddies, like cassie mcclutchy and tishna rollo. i remember of course nora and amanda and i know there were boys there, and one of them always used to eat his boogers.
in kindergarten i remember in the christmas show at school, parts were assigned by height, assuming that the boys were taller than the girls and the boys were soldiers and the girls were sugar plum fairies and milkmaids and stuff. since i was like the 2nd tallest kiddie in the grade, i not only had to be a soldier, but also i had to stand next to brian gleeson.
anyway, merry xmas.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

eating boogers is gross. i don't remember eating them when i was in nursery school, but maybe i did. i hope i didn't though