Sunday, October 30, 2005

who dat?

today i was telling big ugly baby and ant about my blog and all the things i hate and they asked if i write about jam. i couldnt really remember if i had written about jam, and i dont think i have, which is weird, because it is wack.
but i do love it.

pretty much everything i hate i also love just a little, except mr. namese (i have to employ my epithets now i think, so if you dont get it you should probably ask my NLLP (non-lesbian life partner = leeann) or me. big ugly baby (who wants to be called "nice guy") is trying to think of a nickname for me, but i think i have a lot of names already. lets use ms. fran.

at jam we have the ant, mr. namese, mr. death, sassy barry (that ones easy), big ugly baby (sorry, thats just how it is), and G-L-O-R-I-A. im sure there are more. i pretty much love all of them (except mr. namese).

irish pub: new guy, tall guy, short guy, alfalfa, crackhead, and guy who double carded ME.

roommate has some just for her too: personal trainer man, lawyer man, loie bartender, and asshole.

anyway, so i hate jam, but i love it. i hate the sometimes no tip, like tonight, even though it was bam's brother's wedding at greystone. but i like eating wedding cake and drinking lots of juice. i hate taxes too.

i remember studying epithets in 7th grade when we read the odyssey, like "stalwart ulysses" and "wise athena"or whatever. then again in latin in the pro caelio: "that harlot" and "that promiscuous woman."


chubby chenski

oh i almost forgot nllp's nicknames:
pilot ken and radioshack guy. but she really has more, like guy from graces tavern, old tailor from pub, morimoto guy/matt handsome, tall girlfriend, and she is actually mocha coca and chubby chenski.

i also have:
bigfatcreepymarriedteacherguy, my crazy friend, bus driver, boyfriend/mister, twinkie.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

starts with c

hey starts with c
we would have either been friends had we known eachother at the same age, or i would have despised you for being so like me.
thats ok.
we are kindred.
hate and love, love and hate.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

my teeth look whiter when i'm tan

and when im tan im happy.

i was reading someones blog that i found through that random blog search thingie and they said all this profound stuff, like how happiness is love and lost innocence sucks and blah blah blah and then i found out she was like 14.

i love sun, sun makes me happy.
she knows her stuff.

Monday, October 17, 2005

you better shape up

you better understand
to my heart i must be true

you know, though the final message of grease may be damaging to impressionable young girls and boys (the girl sluts her self up to get back with the cool guy), i do love it like an old friend. i dream fondly of riding in danny's sin wagon, visiting that malt shop in the sky, wrapping up my cotton candy hair and hiding my hickies from kenickie.

tell me about it...stud.

i wish i hadn't taken that nap.

flakes and cupcakes

i guess leeann could really end up being my non-lesbian life partner. i'm not adverse to that possibility, but i wonder if i'll stop hating boys soon. cause i hate them. and i hate flakes and people who don't talk and don't have feelings.

i met a woman in my intervew group this morning who said she had been conned into a speed dating event at a restaurant in olde city one night while she was out with a friend (woman). she said she was so repulsed with the male selections that she started telling them she was a lesbian with her friend, and that she was there for the free drinks.

we aren't the only ones who hide from those who wish to approach, but also desire to be approached (just not by anyone who would actually do it).

i stopped by DrewTs the other night, expecting to meet his cat. ive never hung out with him outside of his ride. i gave him some cupcakes and went home.


the wedding had cupcakes instead of cake. it didn't work on "martha stewart: the apprentice," but it was deliciously portable at the RC.

ryry, i don't know how to make more than 10 pieces of cheesecake.

Friday, October 07, 2005

things are dumb

i'm filling in at work and i don't know what to do so i'm looking at my blog. and erica's and ryan's.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

ab fab

i have to say that i find it ab fab that i can sit here in the computer lab with 20 kids and write on my blog because they don't fight and they can read and use computers and it doesn't smell like pee and there are doors on the bathrooms and there's a rubber bottomed playground.
that is not wack.
i love new foundations charter school.

on another note (to ryan and sarah) --
all i could spell was stop pots post tops and opts ?

Saturday, October 01, 2005


john thought this picture would be fun because we would be the meat in the kris/chris sandwich. but kris had to mess it up and be kris with a k. or chris messed it up. whatever, they are still phoenetically the same white bread.

i may continue to periodically add pics of the reunion as i see fit.

also, ego requests that i further discuss my drunkenness that night. heres one for you:
shots at tierney's are cheap, and thus i bought a round of 10 (of which i had 2) jager shots for i dont remember whom. last night at mcglinchey's i saw a few people doing jager and it reminded me of that memorable night. if only it too had been punctuated by quarter games of ms. pac man. mcglinchey's truly is a good place to get faced and play ms. pac man.